If you plan to surprise the love of your life with a marriage proposal, it’s a good idea to try your best to make sure you can fit the ring on their finger. By following our guide you should be able to get a fairly accurate idea of the correct finger size and ensure you will sweep your sweetie off their feet.
A few keys facts to remember. . .
- The absolute best way to get an accurate size is to have their finger measured by a jeweler.
- The engagement ring is worn on the left hand, ring finger. So be sure to aim for the correct finger to measure!
- Did you know that your dominate hand is usually about ½ size larger than your other hand? It’s true! So, keep this in mind.
- When in doubt, aim slightly larger. As a general rule of thumb, it’s easier to size a ring down. And it won’t take away from the memory if the ring at least goes on their finger at that spectacular moment.
- It’s important to remember that if the ring has a wide band or ring shank it will need to be larger in size than a narrow band or ring shank.
- If all your good intentions fail and the ring doesn’t fit like a dream that’s OK. At Beeghly and Company Jewelers, the first sizing is FREE.
Go shopping.
These days it’s common for couples to go shopping together for rings. If this is the case your job is easy. Just have the jeweler measure their hand! Make a note and keep it in your hat until you need it.
Use a Beeghly and Company Ring Sizer Coaster.
With a little creativity on your part, you can use one of our Ring Sizer Coasters to help determine the size of her ring finger.

Enlist the help of an Accomplice.
Friends love to help with surprises! Enlist a best friend or mother to help you with a secret mission. They can devise a plan to have them try on one of their rings or take them shopping and randomly try on rings. It works! They’ll never even suspect – if the friends are good detectives. Mission accomplished!
“Borrow” a ring.
Simply go into sleuth mode. Very carefully, without them knowing, “borrow” your sweetie’s ring and quickly bring it into Beeghly and Company Jewelers. Be sure you know on which finger it is worn and whether it fits well.
Put the ring on your finger.
If you don’t think you can get away with bringing the ring into our store for an accurate sizing, simply try it on your finger. See how far it fits onto your finger and mark it with a “somewhat permanent” marker. Then come into our store and together, we can figure it out from there!
Yet another option!
Use this Ring Size Guide to find the size of a ring already worn on the same finger. Print out the Guide and begin placing the ring on each circle until you find one that fits snugly on the inside of the ring.
Last but not least, please remember ring sizing is tricky business.
Please be aware there are many variables beyond your best intentions that factor into the perfect fitting engagement ring. Most people experience “fluctuating finger sizes” due to many factors beyond even their control. The most reliable way to get the most accurate size is for them to come see us. Our friendly staff knows all the right questions to ask; we’ve got expert jewelers on premise for consultation and we’d love to help.
Rest assured at Beeghly and Company we will do our very best to make sure your engagement ring is truly the ring of their dreams including how it fits.